Each king in a deck cards represents a great king from history
If you are like me, I thought nothing of the Kings on playing cards and whether they represented real kings of past. I just thought they were just well-drawn pieces…
The inventor of the Internet regrets the URL setup
We use the internet every day but have we ever stopped to think about the person who was the inventor of the Internet? We don’t widely cite a specific genius…
MIT Students can Become a Certified MIT Pirate
Yeah, that’s right, you read correctly. You can actually become a certified pirate. Arrrrgh! So the first step is you will need to be enrolled as an undergraduate student at…
Sweat actually doesn’t have an odour
Few things are more embarrassing than a strong or even unpleasant body odour caused by excessive sweating. But contrary to popular belief, sweat by itself is virtually odourless. Sweating is an essential part of your body’s temperature control…
Pizzly Bear numbers are increasing due to climate change
Grizzly bears and polar bears have quite a bit in common. Yes, they are both bears, they’re both huge, covered in dense fur and can let out a pretty mighty…
What are hiccups and how to get rid of hiccups?
Don’t you hate it when you get the hiccups and no matter what you try, they just won’t go away? Well, there are many ways to stop hiccups. In some…
What is High Blood Pressure and causes High Blood Pressure
Have you ever been to the doctor and had your blood pressure reading taken? Doctors will routinely perform a blood pressure reading to check the condition of your pumping heart…
200 Amazing Sports Facts
Sports have been around for nearly as long as humanity itself, and in that time some truly weird and wondrous things have happened in the field of competition. No matter how…
How to get rid of cellulite
Cellulite is 100 per cent normal and one of the biggest misconceptions is that it is caused because of fat build-up and that it is a body imperfection. There is…
What are bed bugs? Bite treatment and how to get rid of them.
Have you ever heard the saying, Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite? This familiar rhyme is frequently recited by parents to their children as they prepare…